Making your own REALITY TV Show

Pitching a reality TV show is not an impossible task. Even though it took 10 years, Michael Beran got his show on air! Here’s how-


A decades-long process

When Michael Beran decided to create his own reality TV show, he knew it would require a lot of work and dedication. Something he was accustomed to with his extensive background in the military, owner of Wildlife Command Center, and actor/producer. After all, creating and pitching a show to networks is no easy task.

Michael breaks down the steps of how to create and pitch a reality tv show from concept to completion and getting an actual show ON TV!

Finding your Team

After signing a shottyy contract and being stuck on the shelf for years, Michael teamed up with a new creative partner to help him through the process. Let’s be real, how many times are you faced with a contract full of crazy jargon that you THINK you understand?

One of my favorite things he said in this episode was, “it’s important to find people who are better than you”.

With this new partnership, Michael was able to create a pitch package that was undeniable.

After years of hard work literally pounding the pavement and pitching the reality TV show to networks, he finally got his show, Barehands Rescue, on TV.

Did someone say Animal Planet and Discovery Plus!?

Steps to create a REALITY TV Show

If you’re thinking of creating your own show, this episode of Always Acting Up podcast will guide you on your journey.

Michael walked us through the process of creating a reality TV show and the importance of tenacity along your journey.

It’s not going to be easy, but if you really want it, and you reality believe in your idea, you just have to keep going!

Take a listen!


Michael Beran


Handsome male actor Michael Beran holding a snake from animal rescue with bare hands, the episode on pitching a reality tv show

international super star Carlos Vives) knows a few things about what makes a person successful. Check it out HERE

Subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss the release of this episode!

Enjoy this other episode in the meantime 🙂

Pitching a Reality TV show.

00:01:31 Michael Beran- Actor, Producer, Animal Rescue

00:04:46 Using SPECIALTY SKILLS to get on a film set

00:09:35 Signing documents and contracts

00:14:13 How to stay motivated after rejection + TENACITY

00:25:19 Wildlife Command Center?

00:28:15 What is a pitch package?

00:30:28 Steps to create a reality TV Show

00:33:19 Contacting network TV for your show idea

00:43:27 Creating a sizzle reel

00:51:47 Red Flags to avoid

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Introducing Caslin Rose; an up-beat, reliable, multi-faceted actress and producer.  With her ebony eyes and joyful tambour she is grounded, graceful and a classic beauty.  Caslin is a woman with fierce ambitions, running a podcast, and a blog; using her talents to educate other up and coming actors to fine tune their craft through her own trials and tribulations.   She also has a passion for photography, outdoors, yoga, and dance.  Her acting skills range from comedic roles to physically active and nurturing characters.