Dream Role = Writing A Script

…and actually knowing what to do with it.

Writing a script can be absolutely terrifying. Especially as an actor with little to no experience. Actress and writer, Emily Grace from Pickford West Society, shares all of the best tips and tricks on this episode of Always Acting Up Podcast.

So, How do you write a script?

You may not like this, but you just have to start. What exactly do I mean by that? Well, take some time to start brainstorming some ideas. What kind of roles have you always wanted to play? Do you have any special skill sets that you would like to show off?

Use these ideas to get the ball rolling, and build from there. The most important step about writing a script though is just starting. Here’s where Pickford West Society comes into play. Reach out to Emily and she can take it from here.

Writing a script? Fiction or Non-Fiction?

One thing I hear over and over again from people who have written scripts is that you need to write what you know. Writing from personal experiences can be scary, but those are the stories that will mean the most to you. Oftentimes, writers say it’s therapeutic to get some of their thoughts out of their minds and onto paper.

*BONUS* you can even write the ending you wished for instead of the ending you got.

Writing is an art form that takes time, discipline, and commitment and you shouldn’t expect to be excellent on your first try.

Take a listen to this episode and get to writing!

brunette actress with short hair smiling and wearing a red halter top shirt
Emily Grace


Pickford West Society

You may also enjoy creating your own YouTube content. Learn from fellow actor and pro, Kurt Yue HERE


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Introducing Caslin Rose; an up-beat, reliable, multi-faceted actress and producer.  With her ebony eyes and joyful tambour she is grounded, graceful and a classic beauty.  Caslin is a woman with fierce ambitions, running a podcast, and a blog; using her talents to educate other up and coming actors to fine tune their craft through her own trials and tribulations.   She also has a passion for photography, outdoors, yoga, and dance.  Her acting skills range from comedic roles to physically active and nurturing characters.